What is the PASS Package?
The Exam Simulator PASS Package is a complete study set, including a study guide and CD-ROM. The study guide covers everything you need to know to pass your test, including each topic that is covered on the testing provider's outline-- nothing more, nothing less. Because you are studying the basics, you'll be ready to test faster.

How will I know when I'm ready to pass?

The PASS Package includes The Exam Simulator CD-ROM, computer based software that is specifically designed to let you know when you are ready to pass. The Exam Simulator is based on your actual test, utilizing testing provider, state, and exam specific information. Through the Study By Topic sections, you'll see where you need to direct your study attention. Then, you'll Simulate Your Exam. Exam Simulations are a representation of your actual exam, including length of time to test, subject matter, and topic weight.

If you score 80% or above on an exam simulation, you'll be able to take your Bonus Questions. Bonus Questions are all new questions that will truly assess if you are ready to pass your exam. If you pass your Bonus Questions, you are well on your way to a license. Make sure you schedule your actual exam within 3 days of passing the Bonus Questions. If you didn't pass your Bonus Questions, go back and study any weak areas.

If your state has no prelicensing requirements, you can use The Exam Simulator PASS Package to prepare for your test. This is all you'll need in order to pass!